Drupal Global Training Day - Bristol, UK - June 14th
Microserve are proud to announce we will be hosting a Drupal Global Training Day at Armada House, Baldwin Street, Bristol on the 14th June. The day is aimed at people who have experience in web design and/or other CMS's, but would like to be introduced to Drupal.
Over the course of the day we will be building a site for an imaginary restaurant, with the aim of covering most beginner site building techniques such as content types, blocks, users, views etc. The day will be split into a number of sessions, with each session consisting of an introductory talk and tutorial on a specific area, after which the attendees will implement these features themselves.
There will be a number of Microserve employees present on the day to assist anybody who needs help. There will also be a few experienced tutorials for anyone who makes fast progress or find the sessions too easy.
For more information about the official Drupal Global Training Days see the drupal.org page.
Attendees will need to bring their own laptop. WI-FI access and a power outlet will be provided.
Due to time restrictions we ask everybody to turn up on the day with Acquia Dev Desktop already installed on their machine, which will provide a Drupal specific AMP development stack. Download and installation instructions for this can be found here (you will need to register as a free user to view the page). The instructions will show you how to install a Drupal 7 site, however once directed to your new site you will not need to do anything else till the day.
9.30am : Arrival
9.45am : Introduction to Drupal talk and overview of the day.
10am - 12.30pm : Introduction to Content Types, Blocks and Menus.
12.30pm - 1.30pm : Lunch Break
1.30pm - 4pm : Introduction to Views, Users, Taxonomy and Webforms.
4pm - 5pm : Introduction to Drupal folder structure, updating Modules and creating a custom Theme.
5pm - 5.30pm : Q+A and Final Talks (to include "Drupal Site Building 101" and "Drupal: Going Live Checklist").
Advanced tutorials will be introduced during the afternoon for anybody who finds the planned tutorials too easy. These may cover a specific topic or can be used as a general help workshop for anybody who would like to further their knowledge in a specific area.
Tickets will be priced at £5.00. If you would like to purchase a ticket please follow the link to our Eventbrite page.