Drupal D8MI Sprint: Day 1
Today, the D8MI sprint started. Met the assistants.
At 10 am, Gábor introduced the multilanguage architecture for Drupal 8. It's composed of four layers, with the locale module at the base, and on top of it the UI, the content translation and the config translation. He presented the people responsible of each so we know who we need to talk for anything, and how we could work on his D8MI sandbox. After this, the presentation round where everyone exposed the areas he was interested.
As planned, I started helping out Clemens with the Gettext .po file generation. The morning has been quite frustrating. I catched up with the comments, and saw that it was not an easy thing. Clemens and Erik have most of the issue already working, but some problems appeared when I tried to test it, and Clemens helped out to find the causes. We updated the summary accordingly. After that, I headed with some errors because of inconsistent naming of classes and its references, an issue that was not happening on Clemens' Mac computer. Fixing this was my first commit to the sandbox :D
After dinner, work started to happen smoothly. Clemens was working with plurals and we discussed how the responsability of formatting those should be out of the PoItem object, and with his change on this implementation the tests went back to green :-)
After some silly issues that I had generating a git patch, I started to feel more confident. While Clemens update the issue summary for showing up the change of scope it had throught the comments, I started to think on how to refactor PoDatabaseWriter. This should continue tomorrow.
Gábor is reporting the progress at this document: D8MI sprint report. The global balance of the 1st day is only one commit to 8.x, but it seems that code will flow better on next days. By now, it's being an awesome experience working with this guys.