Drupal Commerce Site Spotlight: Coupledehuit.fr
We're always on the lookout for great sites built with Drupal Commerce, our truly flexible software that's changing the face of eCommerce one site at a time.
A unique product niche often demands a unique eCommerce site. Coupledehuit.fr, a french-site speciaizing in t-shirts to be worn (together) by couples is just one such example. Built by Guss Delaporte, it takes full advantage of the flexibility of Drupal Commerce, and recently was moved to Platform.sh, our Cloud Hosting for Continuous Delivery, to streamline development tasks and manage production hosting affordably. Take a look at how the site was built in a recent blog post on DrupalCommerce.org and then take the quick two minute demo of Platform.sh to learn how it can help you enhance your delivery of modern PHP websites.
---Previous Weeks Spotlight Sites Below ----
Clubvivre built by Srijan
Lush.co.uk built by i-KOS, Method UK and Commerce Guys.
JustCamo.com built by Dooley & Associates
Mongodb.com , the most popular Open-Source NoSQL database system powers its eCommerce site with Drupal Commerce
D&W Fresh Market Stores built by MyPlanet.
STYXworld.com built by IDEA DEN,
KENZO.com built byPublicis Modem
RobinHood.org, Built by Phase2.
Hill Country Pie Kitchen built by Texas Creative
Classic Driver built by Amazee Labs
Marimekko, built by Wunderkraut
ZactMobile, built by ProPeople
KrispyKreme.co.uk, built by iKos
Sigmaphoto.com, built by Kwall.
UmeboshiShoes.com, built by The Jibe.