Drupal Association - Election time! Or do you know what the DA does?
Thursday, March 10, 2016 - 17:58
We've got a great line-up of candidates to choose from this year in the Drupal Association board election. It's a really tough choice.
But reading through the candidates statements it seems many of them seem to think that being on the board of the association somehow influences the project directly. It doesn't.
The board governs the association. It doesn't govern Drupal.
The Association doesn't govern Drupal either.
As a community - we should probably think and talk about project governance more than we do, and perhaps consider or Re-consider how the association fits into the picture.
The Association works to keep the lights on for Drupal.org, and run DrupalCon. There's other important stuff, but those two things are the Big Jobs - the heavy lifting. Last year we ran a fund-raising campaign to directly fund work on the project. That was new, and great work was done, but we also didn't decide who did that work, or what work they did.
Last year, Holly (our awesome Executive Director) wrote a great blog post that outlines what the board does.
Anyway - some rushed and random thoughts after I cast my vote.
Please cast yours!
If you have an account on Drupal.org and logged in during the past 12 months, you are eligible to vote. Please do so!