Drupal Association Board Meeting: July 22, 2015
Here we go again! It's your monthly summary of all things board meeting at the Drupal Association. This month we covered board governenance (there's a seat opening up), the D8 Accelerate Campaign, and the Association strategic frame. Plus, as a bonus, the board approved the Q2 financials for publication. As always, if you want to catch up on all the details, you can find everything you need to know about the meeting online, including minutes, materials, and a recording. If you're just here for a summary view, read on!
Board governance
Angie Byron's term on the board is going to be up this fall, and she has expressed her desire not to renew that term. We're going to be very sad to see Angie go, but thrilled that she will have one less hat to talk about when explaining which hat she is wearing at any given point during your next meeting with her. Seriously - she's brought so much thoughfulness and passion to the board. She's not leaving us yet (her term expires 10/31), but our Governance Committee will be working with the Nominations Committee to recruit candidates and help the board make the next selection.
D8 Accelerate
As I write these words there are just 10(!) release blockers standing between us and a release candidate for Drupal 8. Part of the momentum this year has come from Drupal 8 Accelerate. We've made over 40 grants, worth more than $120,000 so far. That's helped us close nearly 100 issues, addressing some really important features, like a beta to beta upgrade, security bugs, and performance. If you're curious about what's getting funded, you can always see the full list. And, we're getting close to reaching our goal - we've raised $223,000. You can help us reach our $250,000 goal by making a donation today!
Drupal Association Strategic Frame
Why are we doing the work we do? Because everyone at the Association wants to have a positive impact for Drupal. The best way for us to have an impact is to pick a few goals that we are going to focus on achieving. The Association board used their January retreat to set some 3-5 year goals for the Association:
- To develop sufficient professionals to meet global demand for Drupal
- To lead the community in focused, efficient, effective development of Drupal
- To ensure the sustainability of the Drupal project and community
- To increase Drupal adoption in target markets
- To increase the strength and resilience of the Drupal Association
We've been working since then to select the right strategies and objectives (1 year to 18 month time frame) for our work. You can see the directions we're headed in the presentation we shared. It's important to note that we expect to revisit our strategies and objectives on a quarterly basis to adjust as we go. The world of Drupal moves fast, and we need to as well. So, although we are setting 12 to 18 month objectives, we will be adjusting the frame much more frequently, and won't be sticking with objectives that we find don't really support the work.
2015 Q2 Financials
And in the most exciting news of all, the second quarter financials were approved by the board. You can always find whatever financials have been released in the public financials folder. If you have never taken a look at the financials before, I recommend it. Although I tease about them being boring, I love financial statements! A while back, I wrote up a post about how to read our financial statements. I also like pointing out that each Con has it's own tab in our financial statements, so you can see exactly how that money coems in, and where it is spent.
See you next time!
And that's it for this summary. But, if you have questions or ideas, you can always reach out to me!
Flickr photo: Joeri Poesen