Drupal and Education Open Space: Call for Participation
We have just launched a Call for Participation on Drupal and Education Open Space to be held in London 22nd of August if there is enough responds. So go and let us know if you find training and educating youngling important.
Drupal is getting a big community and we may need more scaffolds to keep it a self-organizing bunch of geeks that can do whatever is necessary. The support of events is in this essential. In a previous blog I suggested to look at the BoFs as an incubation space that should spinout more organized events, like open spaces before Drupalcon or when there is enough interest shift to “Drupal days”. This is more or less what the association is already doing, I’m just considering cases that could help to get a better organization process for it. Last Drupalcon in Chiago there were many BoFs on education and this call for participation is an attempt to give such discussions more support.
In the last months we have seen three Drupal days in Brussels: CXO, devdays and govdays. Each of them was a splendid success and my hope is to get enough people to care about education too. The CXO had the support of Microsoft and businesses have of course the resources to organize or participate on such an event. Drupal has a long-standing relation with governments (e.g. Deanspace) and for the govdays some people in the Belgium governance have helped. Organizing the devdays is actually Drupal's core competence and it was also in parallel with FOSDEM, again an event Drupal has been present on for a while. First we had spontaneous meetings in the hall, then some session and later on we got our own Drupal room. So all Drupal days had scaffold, they grown out of prior less structured events or had strong external partners. As far as I’m aware, this is not the case for Education. Thus we may need more support, which is exactly what we are trying to do with this call for participation.