Drupal 9 Porting Weekend May 22-23, 2020
Join the Drupal Community in this worldwide event focusing on Drupal 9 stability and adoption across contributed projects. Over 1600 projects are already Drupal 9 compatible a month before Drupal 9's release which is unprecedented. However, there are still thousands that only need very small changes and a release made.
The first Drupal 9 Porting Day was on April 28, 2020, led by Gábor Hojtsy, Lee Rowlands, Vladimir Roudakov, QED42, Srijan, Adam Bergstein and Mike Lutz. Altogether 126 issues were worked on that resulted in 89 newly Drupal 9 compatible releases on that day and the following two days. It was not only successful but we had a lot of fun too. So we are of course here to do another one this month!
Drupal 9 Porting Weekend is on May 22-23, 2020. Friday, May 22 would have been contribution day at DrupalCon Minneapolis. We picked the dates in honour of the cancelled event.
Mentors / leaders needed worldwide
We are looking for leaders at various time zones to help mentor people working in that timezone. Spreading the effort to more people would help everyone's questions be answered. Contact Gábor Hojtsy if you are interested to be a mentor / leader in your timezone and we'll add you here. We are looking to cover as many time zones as possible.
How to participate
Anyone can help!
- Let's meet online in the #d9readiness channel on Drupal slack: https://www.drupal.org/slack
- We'll use slack threads to discuss projects and to help coordinate the work.
- Do tag issues worked on with "Drupal 9 Porting Weekend" on drupal.org.
Tools that we'll definitely use include:
- Deprecation status results from all drupal.org projects: https://dev.acquia.com/drupal9/deprecation_status
- Local deprecation testing: https://www.drupal.org/project/upgrade_status
- Automated deprecation fixer (can fix up to 45% of problems now!): https://www.drupal.org/project/rector
Kristen Pol did a great writeup of her process contributing at Drupal 9 porting day using the above tools, see http://www.kristen.org/content/drupal-9-porting-day-recap
We may use other tools as needed to speed up the process, stay tuned.
Help get the word out!
Excited about participating? Let your friends and colleagues know! You don't need to be a module maintainer to participate. Tweet and post on other favourite social platforms about Drupal 9 Porting Weekend using #Drupal9Weekend.
Special thanks to @surabhi.gokte and @gambry for their help to get this off the ground.