Drupal 8 core sprints, August 7-10
2014-08-07 (All day) - 2014-08-10 (All day) UTC
Summer is in full swing, but we know you enjoy Drupaling with your peers in the summer as much as any other time of the year! Plus, this summer is an important time to help get Drupal 8 done, so there is no good reason to skip getting together. We are holding two Drupal 8 sprints at the same time on August 7 to 10: one in North America at TCDrupal, and one in Europe at Drupalaton. Sprinters from both events will collaborate on Drupal 8 issues.
Twin Cities DrupalCamp (North America)
Twin Cities DrupalCamp hosts a four-day Drupal sprint, with a focus on unblocking the release of Drupal 8 and other topics like multilingual, accessibility, and Drupal.org. The last day of the event provides a mentored sprint which is ideal for Drupalers new to sprinting or the issue queues. The camp itself features keynotes from Holly Ross and Chris Shattuck, free Drupal training on the first day, and five parallel session tracks on the middle days. The event is in Minneapolis and Bloomington, MN and the early bird ticket is $35. If you need funding to attend, contact the organizers.
Sign up for TCDrupal sprints
Drupalaton (Europe)
Great location for a summer camp in an affordable hotel right on the beach of the biggest warm water lake in Europe (with a tiny private island), Drupalaton sprints provide a relaxed environment to work and have fun together. The camp programme focuses on providing longer hands-on workshops with featured speakers Ruben Teijeiro, Campbell Vertesi, Adam Juran and Gábor Hojtsy. The event is in Keszthely, Hungary and the ticket is 50 EUR. There is a funding pool for sprinters who would not attend otherwise; contact the organizers.
Sign up for Drupalaton sprints
P.S. Even if you cannot attend in August, keep in mind we have 9 consecutive days of sprints coming up in September in Amsterdam around DrupalCon.
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