Dropcat - the configuration files
Dropcat - the configuration filesMikke Schirén
Thu, 05/12/2016 - 12:26
The idea with dropcat is that you use it with options, or/and with configuration files. I would recommend to use it with config files, and with minor settings as options.
You could use just use a default settings file, that should be dropcat.yml, or as in most cases you have one config file for each environment you have – dev, stage, prod etc.
You could use an environment variable to set which environment to use, this variable is called DROPCAT_ENV. To use prod environment you could set that variable in the terminal to prod with:export DROPCAT_ENV=prod
Normally we set this environment variable in our jenkins build, but you could also set it as an parameter with dropcat like:dropcat backup --env=prod
That will use the dropcat.prod.yml file
By default dropcat uses dropcat.yml if youi don't set an environment.
Thing will be more in the next blog posts, but first we now look into a minimal config file, in our root dir we could hav a dropcat.yml file with this config:
app_name: mysitelocal: environment: tmp_path: /tmp seperator: _ drush_folder: /home/myuser/.drushremote: environment: server: mytarget.server.com ssh_user: myuser ssh_port: 22 identity_file: /home/myuser/.ssh/id_rsa web_root: /var/www/webroot temp_folder: /tmp alias: mysite_latest_stagesite: environment: drush_alias: mysitestage backup_path: /backup original_path: /srv/www/shared/mysite_stage/files symlink: /srv/www/mysite_latest_stage/web/sites/default/files url: http://mysite.com name: mysitestagemysql: environment: host: mymysql.host.com database: my_db user: my_db_user password: my_db_password port: 3306
The settings is grouped in a way that should explain what they are used for – local.environment is from where we deploy, remote.environment is to where we deploy. site.environment is for drush and symlinks (we use for the files folder), mysql.environment, is for… yeah you guessed correctly – mysql/mariadb.
This is the application name, used for creating a tar-file with that name (with some more information, like build date and build number).
These are the settings from where we deploy, it could be localy, it could be a build server as jenkins.
Where we temporary store stuff.
Used for i name of foler to deploy as seperator like myapp_DATE
Where drush-settings from you deploy from, normaly in your home folder (for jenkins normaly: /var/lib/jenkins/.drush), and this is also to which path the drush alias is saved on dropcat prepare.
The server you deploy you code too.
User to use with ssh to your remote server
Port used to use ssh to your server
Which private ssh-key to use to login to your remote server
Path to which your site is going to be deployed to.
Temp folder on remote server, used for unpacking tar file.
Symlink alias for you site
Name of you drush alias, used from 'local' server. Drush alias is created as a part of dropcat prepare.
Backup path on ”local” server. Used by dropcat backup
Existing path to point a symlink to – we use for the files folder
Symlink path that points to original_path
URL for you site, used in drush alias
Name of site in drush alias.
name of db host
Database to use
Database user
password for db user to host
Port to use with mysql
We are still on a very abstract level, next time we will go through that is needed in an normal jenkins-build.
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