Drag'n'Drop Uploads gets support for the WYSIWYG module.
I've been hard at work over the last week trying to get support for the WYSIWYG module into the Drag'n'Drop Uploads module, and have done exactly that. You can now Drag and Drop a file straight from your desktop, drop it onto your WYSIWYG editor and everything should be peachy, one uploaded file displayed inside the WYSIWYG.
I say should as there are still a few issues.
The biggest known issue is that the WYSIWYG support is not currently work with Google Gears, which means support is currently limited to Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 3+ and Safari 4+, but I hope to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
There are other issues related to the WYSIWYG module that are completely out of my hands, but thankfully using the natively supported browsers with either FCKeditor or TinyMCE (the superior WYSIWYGs IMO) is relatively issue free.
To see the new functionality in action, head over to the recently released Drag'n'Drop Uploads demonstration site where you can test it out for yourself.
For more information, or to download the latest versions, head to the project page.