Desaturated Images in Drupal
Some of you Drupal themers may have already dabbled with this image style and if so, congratulations! I commend you on your Drupal exploration.
For those who haven't used this image style, you're in for a treat. Here's why:
The desaturation image styled removes the color from your image – "why would I want that?" you say... Well, because sometimes the aesthetic of a page can be disrupted by an overly colorful view of small images, or perhaps you have a black and white photography website, or maybe you want a neat color effect when you hover over an image. The desaturation image style comes in handy in all of these scenarios and, like all the other image styles, preserves your original image. This is helpful because you don't need two versions of the same image.
The team members view below is a great example of this image style in action. You can imagine that the actual content of the page (this blog post for example) might start to recede above to a series of colorful and distracting images. To keep our visitors focused on the content first, we used the desaturation style. Click on any of those images and you'll see the portrait in color... Pretty handy.
So give it a shot! Head on over to your image styles and create one that desaturates your photo and viola – Ansel Adams for Drupal in no time.
Category: DrupalDrupal Planet