Cyrve acquired by Acquia
Today, I'd like to share some big news. Mike Ryan and I have joined Acquia. Acquia is building a new migration practice within its Professional Services team. Acquia thought we'd be great people to kick-start that effort, and I agree! Look for exciting news from Acquia about data migration in the near future.
I announced Cyrve's birth during Drupalcon Boston, 3.5 years ago. Since then, Cyrve has migrated some of the highest profile web properties to Drupal. We migrated over 3 million user accounts to (case study) from Cold Fusion and Oracle into Drupal. We migrated millions of comments and millions of images from a custom MSSQL database into Drupal 7's first big site, (case study). We migrated from Vignette using Web Services.
Over the years, Cyrve has kept on building and improving the Migrate module. Migrate is Cyrve's methodology and toolkit for pulling data from many different sources and importing quickly and accurately into Drupal. Its highwater and update-in-place features keep content synced between live sources and the not-yet-live Drupal site. Migrate has established itself as the solution for importing into Drupal.
Mike and I have always embraced Drupal's open source ethos. Migrate module is free and open source, and always will be. Migrate is available for any organization to use, and many of you are doing just that. Thanks for bringing your sites to Drupal! Mike Ryan will continue to actively maintain migrate module.
I have joined the Office of the CTO at Acquia as Director, Research and Development. This reads like a dream job to me. I’ll focus less on data migration, and more on researching and prototyping new products and features for Drupal and Acquia. I’ll be writing reports about ‘Drupal and Mobile’, and publishing research about commercial CMS systems. I report to Dries and work alongside Angie Byron (webchick). I'll continue to hack on Drupal core and maintain my contrib projects, drush and devel.
I've thoroughly enjoyed building Cyrve over the past three years. Cyrve's revenue and reputation have steadily risen over the years. Lots of its success is due to the awesome platform that the Drupal community is building. The same holds true for Acquia. Acquia's success depends on the success of Drupal as a whole. This alignment of goals was one more smart idea by Dries and Jay when founding the company.
The Drupal ecosystem is thriving these days. I encourage all the Drupalpreneurs out there to scratch your own niche. It worked for me, and it can work for you too.