Content Moderation and Workspace module
Content Moderation and Workspace module
Drupal 8.2.0 will see a bunch of new experimental modules. Once of these is Content Moderation. This is a port of the Drupal 8 release of Workbench Moderation, with a number of updates to make it suitable for core.
Work is currently underway to get Content Moderation working for Workspaces. Workspaces, defined by the Workspace module and it’s dependency Multiversion, are a way of creating different versions of your site’s content and getting the elusive “full site preview” functionality. With Content Moderation you are able to moderate a whole Workspace. Then once published all content will be deployed to the live workspace.
The screencast below shows adding some content on the Stage Workspace and confirming the content doesn’t exist on the Live Workspace. Then publishing the Stage Workspace results in the content being on both Workspaces.
Thu, 25/08/2016 - 09:23
drupal 8
drupal development
drupal planet
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