Challenge #2 is Over!
Cross-posted from Mike Kadin's Technical Blog
The Module Off has just finished its 2nd challenge! We had a bunch of great submissions and a ton of people have come by the site to check it out. Thanks to all of you who have participated or learned something from the site. We hope to keep it growing!
Challenge Summary
Drupal core's autocomplete form element is an excellent way to avoid select lists with a million options. Sometimes, however, when you're creating a bunch of nodes in a row, the autocomplete field can be a pain; you have to wait for the little blue throbber to spin each time. Let's try to streamline this a bit. Your mission for this challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to build a module that adds a small list of 'recent selections' below an entity reference form element. The 'recent selections' list should contain links that quickly fill in the form element with javascript, so the user can just click the link and move on to the next part of the form. It's up to you to decide how your module figures out what to put on the list - bonus points if you do something really smart.
And the Winner!
Congratulations to Kevee who put together a great module and explained it well. Check out the screencast below and head over to The Module Off to download the code.
The Next Challenge!
The next challenge asks participants to create an example module that clearly explains how to use EntityFieldQuery(). The purpose of this challenge is totally educational, so hopefully we can create some great examples for Drupalists to learn from.
Tags: Drupal Planet