Catching the Community Train
Getting involved in any community on a professional or personal level can be intimidating at first. How do you add value and contribute to something that already has so much community involvement, innovation, and growth? It’s easy to feel like you're trying to catch a runaway train. I feel like this is especially true for designers who want to get involved or even just learn about what is already happening.
I am new to Drupal. In fact, I barely ever heard of Drupal before I was fortunate enough to join the Drupalize.Me team as an interactive designer. And I may never have appreciated this amazing community if it weren't for my incredible colleagues—each of whom promotes contribution and collaboration. The absence of a similar experience could hold back many talented designers who might bring great new insights to the Drupal community. Not every designer has the advantage of working for Drupalize.Me, but I believe every designer relishes the idea of making a positive impact with his/her knowledge and skills. So how do designers get involved and not feel like they're trying to catch that runaway train?