cat kit | summarize namespacing
I decided a few notes would help me grok the Kit Specification. I post them here in case someone else finds them useful.
Shortest Summary
Project Name and Feature Name should be the same. They should have a nice, unique namespace. The human readable version doesn’t need to show the prefix. Views and other individually exported pieces should be prefixed with the not-necessarily-unique part of the Feature name.
Barely-Shorter Sumary
This summary currently covers the Features Specification 1.0-draft.
Code Namespace
Covers: Filenames, function names, directory name.Rule: Make the namespace (prefix) unique.
> Domain names and Drupal.Org user names make good prefixes. Why? Because they are guaranteed unique by an external authority everyone in the Drupal community is bound to bump into.
Project Namespace
Covers: Project name, as defined in .info file and a Features Server feature node.Rule: Same as the code namespace for a single-feature project.
Machine Name
Covers: Generic part of the feature name.Rule: Should be short and descriptive.
Features will generally be called <namespace>_<machine name>.
Human Readable Name
Covers: Name of the feature, such as on the modules page. (As defined by name in .info file.)Rule: Skip the namespace. Stick with a descriptive name.
(I interpret this to be a human-readable version of the Machine Name.)
Component Namespace
Covers: All the bits that are exportable. (Views, Content Types, Rules, etc)Rule: Prefix with the Machine Name.
Here are the namespace selections for a project enhancing the OpenAtrium Notebook.
- Namespace: grayside
- Project Name: grayside_oa_book_manager
- Machine Name: oa_book_manager
- Human Readable Name: OA Book Manager
- Component Namespace:
- View: oa_book_manager_bulk_update
- Rule: oa_book_manager_new_page_message