Call for registrations, presentations and sponsors for Drupalcon Barcelona 2007 (Sept. 19-22)
Drupalcon Barcelona 2007 (September, 19-22) is now open for registrations, sessions and sponsors. It promises to be the best DrupalCon up to this date in one of the nicest cities in Europe. So please go to the DrupalCon site and sign up!
The Drupalcon Barcelona 2007 promises to be our best DrupalCon ever for many reasons:
- We are expecting 400 attendees
- The venue is a newly refurbished building to service the IT community:
- Plenty of space with 4 big rooms for presentations, some small rooms for coding corners, a big sharing room for meeting other Drupalers, having a drink or a lunch, restaurant, hall, library...
- great wifi connection
- screens and beamers in all rooms
- streaming video
- simultaneous translation
- You will enjoy one of the most beautiful European cities
So really, do you want to miss this?
UPDATE: Help us to choose the best design for Drupalcon Barcelona 2007 on Drupalcon Barcelona 2007 website.
Vote by June 15th 2007
Call for registrations
To sign up for the next Drupalcon Barcelona 2007 you need to register on the DrupalCon website, fill in the form under the 'Registration' tab in your account page and pay the fee by following the link shown on the reminder message. Make sure you get a seat by registering as sooner as you can. This way you will also help us to forecast our needs. Note that if you already have an account on the DrupalCon site, make sure you pay as well!
Call for presentations
People that want to present should submit a session proposal (authentication required) at the conference website. You have some time but don't leave it for too late as people will be able to vote on your session meantime. As more time you have your session on the website more time will the users have to vote on it and you might get more chances to be selected.
Also, we would like to be able to give some documentation to attendees about the sessions in electronic format, preferentially pdf. Prepare your documentation with time. We would like to have it by September 10, 2007.
Finally, we are organizing a few presentations for a very the lower tech skilled attendees. These will take place on Saturday 22, in the biggest hall. We will have a simultaneous translation service for non-english speakers (Catalan-English, English-Catalan). Think of a Drupal's Showroom, where newcomers to Drupal might have a first glance on it: a Drupalshow! If you are a talented pedagogical speaker consider giving a Drupalshow session.
Call for sponsors
We are looking for sponsors which will help us to have the best Drupalcon ever. If you are willing to sponsor the event, please check our sponsorship packages and contact us.
So go to the DrupalCon site, add or edit your account and sign up.!