Build An Aggregation Site With Drupal (Part 3)
In Build An Aggregation Site With Drupal (Part 1) and Build An Aggregation Site With Drupal (Part 2) I covered setting up the foundation of your aggregation site using Drupal and SimpleFeed and then using cron to auto-update content and views to create the site sections and RSS feeds for our content.
In this third part of the series I'll look at theming the news items, and finally in part 4 some extra touches including filtering options for our users. You can check out the finished aggregation site (parts 1, 2, and 3) here.
Step 1: Set up the new theme
So far during this tutorial series I've been using a clean install of Drupal with the default Garland theme enabled.
Now that we'll be making various changes to the site's theme it's best to set up a new version of Garland in your site's sites/all/themes folder which you can then enable and edit instead of the default Garland theme (which is located at themes/garland) thus keeping the original Garland theme intact.