Boston meetup, June 20 2006
Update: the presentation
Subject: Voice over IP and Drupal (see below)Location: Cambridge Center for Community Television. Map.Time: 6:30 PM. Dinner at local restaurant afterwards for those that are interested.
To "signup" for the event visit the Drupal Groups announcement. If you are interested you can also just show up.
A description from Leo Burd (Doctoral student and MIT Media Lab)
In my presentation I will talk about how to integrate Drupal with telephony or voice-over-IP (VoIP) technologies. In particular, I would like to focus on the work that I'm doing with Asterisk, the open-source PBX (, and on some new Drupal modules that provide audio blogging, voicemail and other features that help expand the outreach of traditional websites to people for whom computers are either inaccessible or too hard to use. As an example, I'll demo the current version of "What's Up", a telephone-based, neighborhood news system for and by kids. It will be great to get feedback from the Drupal community and discuss potential applications of these new tools!