Another impressed visitor
I just wanted to begin with a short thank-you for the work that's already been done on this impressive CMS. I've been working with *phpNuke for a little more than a year, however even with the eventual release of 6.5, I find there's still a lot I wish Nuke could do that can't be done without substantial modification. I've been pouring over the package and it's add-ons the last couple of days and learning to use them and I'm impressed by the flexibility and overall organization, not to mention a level of minimalism that's quite refreshing after a year of playing with Nuke and it's descendants.
*Shrug* Even if I find some glaring issue that completely prevents me from putting the package into production on my site, it's worth saying that I still would have had a great time just tinkering with the software and learning to use it (and I don't really see any glaring issues lurking around the corner). This is the coolest re-thinking of the "dynamic content management system" I've come across since I first got Nuke to work, so many months ago.
And credit where it's due: I still like Nuke a great deal and wouldn't hesitate to use it again under different circumstances. It just seems to be headed in a direction that's leaving me behind these days. ;(