Akiban is Now Open Source
I’ve written a lot about the work I do for Akiban with Drupal in the past and many people would ask if Akiban was open source software. Well in the last few weeks we actually open sourced our database server. We also have downloads for various platforms such as Windows and OSX besides binary packages for Linux variants.
I wrote previously about how to install Drupal 7 completely on Akiban. You can still follow that post to get up and running except now there is a tiny change for our public repositories:
<span class="go">sudo apt-get install -y python-software-properties</span><span class="go">sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 0AA4244A</span><span class="go">sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://software.akiban.com/apt-public/ lucid main"</span><span class="go">sudo apt-get update</span><span class="go">sudo apt-get install -y akiban-server postgresql-client</span>
Some of the things included in our open source database are:
- spatial indexes
- full text indexes (implemented using Lucene)
- REST access
- nested SQL
We are also working on offering on a service offering for our database server so there will be no need to manage an installation yourself. If you are interested in trying our service in its current beta form, please let me know in the comments or hit me up on twitter and I’d be happy to hook you up or just visit our website. We also have a public mailing list for the Akiban project if you try anything out and have any questions.