136 Details on the NodeSquirrel Acquisition by Pantheon with Drew Gorton and Ronan Dowling - Modules Unraveled Podcast
Published: Wed, 05/27/15Download this episodeNodeSquirrel
- What is NodeSquirrel?
- Backup and Migrate (over 300,000 sites using it)
- Only cloud backup-as-a-service for Drupal
- Backup database and Files
- Every site should have automatic off-site backups configured.
- That leads great into the pantheon acquisition, because now everyone can create free off-site backups with NodeSquirrel.
Pantheon Acquisition
- How did the aqcuisition come about?
- Drew - BadCamp October 2014. Sitting at a Pantheon party, ended up talking to Zack about running a services firm and product at the same time. The excitement, issues etc. involved with that. And it happened.
- Did you pitch it to him? Did he pitch it to you?
- Me.
- So, what’s in it for them? Why did Pantheon buy NodeSquirrel?
- They want to build great tools that developers can love and trust and use.
- What’s new now that it’s been acquired by Pantheon?
- It’s FREE! (There’s a new free tier)
- It’s not a trial. It’s always free.
- It’s not just for Pantheon customers.
- We have access to Pantheon’s resources to further the development and continue improving support.
- It’s been a side project from the start, but now that it’s backed by a real product company, we’re officially here for the long-haul. So, if you’ve been holding off because you didn’t want to risk storing your backups with something that might not be there in a year, you can rest assured that we’ll be here.
- (Ronan) Now I’m able to dedicate more time and effort to the Backup and Migrate module (instead of only using my free time), which helps the community as a whole.
- What happens to current users?
- Higher storage limits
- Might even be able to downgrade and pay less.
- Won’t lose any features. Still use local backup, etc. (except maybe email)
- What’s in the future?
- Drupal 8
- Wordpress
- More features for both Backup and Migrate and NodeSquirrel
- Bringing Pantheon features to NodeSquirrel and NodeSquirrel features to Pantheon (Notes)
Episode Links: Ronan on drupal.orgRonan on TwitterDrew on drupal.orgDrew on TwitterNodeSquirrel on TwitterNodeSquirrelBackup and Migrate ModulePantheonZack’s post about the acquisitionDrew’s post about the acquisitionTags: BackupsNodeSquirrelplanet-drupal
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