12 Days of Drupal Community: Mike Anello
The Drupal community is full of people who make the world a brighter place. Now that we’ve made it through the holidays, we’d like to start the new year by winding up our 12 days of Drupal blog series. Thank you to our community for inspiring us every day.
Mike Anello (ultimike)
About Mike
One would think that Mike never has time for sleep. He has been a Drupal developer, trainer, and consultant for almost 10 years, as well as a Drupal 8 Core Migrate module contributor, and a volunteer manager of the Community Cultivation Grants program. Mike also helps produce the DrupalEasy podcast and trains new Drupalers via a career mentorship program. If all that wasn't enough, he also organizes the Florida Drupal user's group.
What Mike says about membership
I doubt that the Drupal project would be where it is today without the Drupal Association. It takes a dedicated team of professionals to keep the servers humming along as well as organizing multiple DrupalCons around the world.
It’s often the small things that go the longest way. During the DrupalCon Barcelona sprint, I met a gentleman whose goal was to figure out how to use a new feature of one of the migration-related contrib modules. I didn’t have much experience with it, but together we figured it out in short order. He was super-thankful and promised he would write up the documentation page for the feature. Even though it was a small moment, it was one of many made possible by the Association’s constant support of the community.
If you are not yet a member, join the Drupal Association and be part of our success together.
Personal blog tags: Membershipcommunitymembership 2015 series