12 Days of Drupal Community: Jeff Geerling
The Drupal community is full of people who make the world a brighter place. This month we are sharing more about the community members participating in our membership drive in this blog series. We work together, we motivate each other, and we learn together. Thank you to our community for inspiring us every day.
Jeff Geerling (geerlingguy)
About Jeff
Jeff is a module and theme maintainer who began with Drupal in 2007. He enjoys organizing the St. Louis Drupal group, mentoring, and writing about devops. When Jeff isn't Drupaling, he's taking beautiful photos and spending time with family.
What Jeff says about membership
The Drupal Association's fiscal sponsorship helped the DrupalCamp STL team focus more on the success of the 2015 Camp in St. Louis, and less on the burdensome financial aspects. Our camp attracted Drupal users from around the Midwest, including a woman from Tennessee. She had no Drupal groups in her area (meaning there was nobody to sit down and help her learn the basics), but we were able to bring her to the camp and help her go from zero to sixty with a Drupal site she inherited for a local business. Stories like these (individuals helping other individuals, especially at community events) keep me interested in Drupal, and motivate me to give my time to the community.
If you are not yet a member, join the Drupal Association and be part of our success together.
Personal blog tags: Membershipcommunitymembership 2015 series