Unimity Solutions Drupal Blog

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Articles from Unimity Solutions Drupal Blog

Drupal association plays a key role in supporting Drupal Project, Drupal.org and the Drupal community.

The Indian Drupal Community is all excited about DrupalCon India! The event will be help in IIT Mumbai between 18th Feb to 21st Feb. It is just a little over a month away and it is not too late to plan participating in DrupalCon.

This Blog covers the highlights of how Drupal could be used effectively to build a multi domain, multilingual site for a large Multi National Company.

I am proud to receive a Grant from the Drupal Association to attend DrupalCon Amsterdam.

In a recent project I got the opportunity to tweak Drupal’s Apache solr queries.In this blog p

Did you know that the Drupal.org Software working group appointed by the Drupal Association provides co

Tutorial to integrate Drupal with Salesforce platform using Salesforce Suite module.

STEP1: Pre-requisites -  In Salesforce.com

Attached an example file that demonstrates the same. In the example module the ajax call is using drupal menu callback triggered using event in jquery.
