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I’m sorry to say that on the surface little has changed with revisions in Drupal 8, but there is...
In a post last week I discussed versioning in Drupal and briefly touched on version numbers in info...
Currently Drupal has naming conventions for branches and tags in git for contrib module. These are...
Now that we have an initiative to get get a composer.json file in each contrib module, we cal start...
Drupal 8 has seen a lot of love for Composer. As various posts have mentioned, it’s possible to...
Since July 2014 there’s been a feature in Drupal 8 to override backend specific services. There are...
Since February 2012 I have been the maintainer of the Statistics module in Drupal core. Since then I...
Over the last few weeks I’ve been spending a lot of time with Drupal 8 and Composer. This has lead...