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Articles from Palantir

Having more companies working with Drupal is a good and necessary thing, but it means we need to improve the way that we onboard, recognize, and differentiate those who help sustain and innovate Drupal.

Re-platforming the Wisconsin Department of Employee Trust Funds website from HTML templates to Drupal 8, including a complete visual and user experience redesign.

August 2 - August 4, 2019
King Center, Auraria Campus, Denver, Colorado
DrupalCamp Colorado 2019 (Official Site)

July 16th, 2019
Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon
Open@Amazon (official site)

July 17 - 18, 2019
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York City, New York
Decoupled Days (Official Site)

A design system gives you a “lego box” of components that you can use to create consistent, beautiful interfaces.

Content modeling as a practical foundation for future scalability in Drupal.

Content modeling as a practical foundation for future scalability

Content editors can help make the web a more accessible place, one published moment at a time.

How we helped NRHRC conduct user testing to validate an audience-centric navigation. 
