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If you are reading this announcement right now, then we did it! Drupal.org runs on Drupal 7! This was a big and complicated project, which took longer than we expected. But we are finally done!

What changed?

If you are reading this announcement right now, then we did it! Drupal.org runs on Drupal 7! This was a big and complicated project, which took longer than we expected. But we are finally done!

What changed?

The Drupal.org D7 upgrade launch is confirmed. Today is Monday, 28th of October, we have 0 launch blocking issues and performance tests are looking fine. Therefore, we are going to launch on Thursday, October 31st, 2013.

UPDATE: We've finished running studies for this initial period. Analysis and findings now published.

After a month-long Community QA, we are getting ready to deploy Drupal.org D7 upgrade. During the last couple of weeks we were limiting the number of ‘to-do before launch’ issues to those that are absolutely essential.

If you have been on Drupal.org today, you may have noticed something interesting near the bottom of the page. At some point during the past 24 hours, the millionth user joined Drupal.org!

Congratulations to Mortendk and Matthew Saunders, our newly elected Directors at Large, representing the community on the board

It’s time! After almost a year and a half of work we are at the finish line. D7 Drupal.org is open for community QA.

Update: Pushes to contributed modules and sandboxes are once again possible, thanks to the work of Sam Boyer and Damien Tournoud. Go forth and contribute!
