Drupal 4.5.0 status report
It has been a while since the last Drupal 4.5.0 status report so the following is a summary of the key aspects we have been working on since the last status report, posted approximately three months ago.
- Tabs. Drupal pages now use tabs for local tasks as can be seen on this example screenshot.
- Node level permissions. It is now possible to control access to individual posts - either by user, by role or by category.
- Sticky forum posts. You'll be able to make forum posts sticky such that they are presented at the top of the forum topic listings.
- Multiple roles per user. Users can be assigned multiple roles which is very convenient.
- Blogging improvements. We added a 'recent comments' and 'categories' block that are typically available on weblogs, and included support for auto-discovery via RSD.
- Form handling. Form handling has been reworked to ensure consistency across modules and to improve error handling and accessibility.
- Administration pages. We reorganized a significant portion of the administration pages, which makes it more intuitive to administer your Drupal site.
- Gzip compression. To reduce bandwidth, Drupal can send gzip compressed pages.
We are also actively working on the following aspects:
- Internationalization. A new locale module has been developed. The new module facilitates importing and exporting translations (using PO files) and lets you translate Drupal using specialized desktop applications like KBabel and friends.
- Document management. We hope to include a document management module in core that lets you upload documents (typically images) and use them in your posts.
- Filter improvements. Effort is put in improving the filter system so you can select between different input formats (i.e. HTML vs BBCode vs Textile vs StructuredText) as well as define filter settings per role rather than just globally.
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