
In this episode we catch up with Simon Hobbs (sime).
Simon is quite well known in the Australian Drupal community.
Simon talks about the early days of Drupal in Australia with the beginnings of the meetups in Melbourne.

This guide is compiled for Drupal Estonia Hackday where I held a workshop on Drupal development under Windows. For a long-time OSX user it struck me that creating a fully working development environment under Windows is not that hard at all.

This guide is compiled for Drupal Estonia Hackday where I held a workshop on Drupal development under Windows. For a long-time OSX user it struck me that creating a fully working development environment under Windows is not that hard at all.


A bewildering array of services and hosting providers are available to host your Drupal site. Which should you choose?

A while back Robert Douglass had written a great guide to setting up Acquia Dev Desktop to use Xdebug on Mac OS X.

A while back Robert Douglass had written a great guide to setting up to use Xdebug on Mac OS X.

The Drupal Developer Days are the major developer-oriented event organized in Europe.

The Drupal Developer Days are the major developer-oriented event organized in Europe.

Just a quick update to all of those who were kind enough to participate in an interview with me during Drupal Downunder 2012 to explain what's happening with Drupal Yarns.

I've not forgotten you!

Adding rel=author to your usernames to support the Google authorship feature is a snap!
