
For those who just want the result please scroll to the bottom, otherwise you can read the story.

Drupal Global Training Days is this Friday, June 22! This is a day where training companies around the world will introduce new and beginning users to Drupal through half day, full day and virtual sessions.

Many of you are probably already familiar with using the amazing Views Slideshow display plugin for Views.

This is the second blog about the sessions during the Drupal Developer Days in Barcelona on June 16 and 17.

Today we're going to look at a use of Drupal that is a bit outside the norm. Instead of the usual business website, corporate blog, or news magazine site, let's look at a building a presentation tool. How or why would you use such a thing?

I've been working on RecommenderAPI, a general purpose recommendation engine for Drupal, for a few years now.

Alternative title: Never create another virtualhost
