
One of the new features in Drupal 7 is that it supports sending queries to a read-only slave database. Since version 9.0, PostgreSQL supports replication natively.

Though "landing page" is often thrown around in casual conversation to mean "any page a user first lands on," the more precise marketing definition usually refers to a page specifically linked to by an advertisement, the goal of which is to get th

This module provides integration between the Drupal Webform module and Paypal donation buttons.

Have you ever wanted to add a simple Javascript print button to a webform so that users could print out all of their entered data? I had a need to do this today for a coworker.

The session schedule is now live for DrupalCon Munich, taking place in August 20-24, 2012.

What we wanted to do was display on each user profile a list of all the events users create. Especially because the url of events are generated randomly and create a url impossible to remember.

A while back I wrote a blog post about loading my homepage in 1 HTTP request. As I said back then, this was only an experiment, but as promised I have done
