There are times when doing Drupal development when you need to run a custom PHP script, maybe moving data from one field to another, that doesn't warrant the time and effort to create a custom module.
Find a relevant-looking project on github. If the name includes Symfony, all the better. It doesn't need to be the main Symfony project. The characters S-y-m-f-o-n-y causes everyone responsible for core to lose all sanity.
Here are 10 videos which help to capture Drupal in a broad sense, providing insight as to why Drupal is the CMS of choice, who uses it as their CMS, and how it helps to fulfill the needs of those users - and our clients.
Here are 10 videos which help to capture Drupal in a broad sense, providing insight as to why Drupal is the CMS of choice, who uses it as their CMS, and how it helps to fulfill the needs of those users - and our clients.
When you’ve been working with any platform for a long time, you start to build a relationship with that platform. For Drupal in particular, a lot of developers seem to take similar paths when it comes to building this relationship.