
Be friends with your content editor

Drush is probably one of the most useful tools a Drupal Developer has in his/her arsenal. Drush is a command line shell for Drupal and it can save you a lot of time when installing or updating Drupal instances with many modules.

Drupal 8 Alpha 6 is out and it has a migrate module in there! It even has a few complete migrations: variables to the configuration files owned by system module.

Drupal 7.24 and 6.29 were released in mid-November.

Both versions contained security fixes.

One of the coolest features that made it into Drupal 7 without much (if any) fanfare is the Queue API. Drupal's Queue API is a pluggable system that allows you to queue events for later processing.

Ever since we launched our site re-design, we’ve had a pretty steady flow internal change requests – add links, change fonts, re-style buttons, adjust layouts, modify permissions, etc.

What's that File (layout)?

There are many different ways to figure out what information the node table contains.
