
A post about returning to working with "out of the box" Drupal after almost a year of using it exclusively as a framework for a huge custom system.

I've been pretty busy the past several months in my free time porting my drupal contrib theme, Gratis, to Drupal 8.

NOTE, Because of the ever evolving nature of Drupal 8, some of the contents in this post may be out of date.

If you have multiple content creators on your site, you may want to make their life easier.

One way that you can help is by providing a list of the content they have created.

Easily redoable for a quick dev server for Drupal 7 and/or Backdrop CMS on say a Digital Ocean Droplet:

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If you suddenly need to provision a new web app server for Drupal 6, the main problem you have is that the furthest back you can go, in say Ubuntu releases on Digital Ocean or Linode, is Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx).

Attached an example file that demonstrates the same. In the example module the ajax call is using drupal menu callback triggered using event in jquery.
