
After the previous post about sticking to a Git workflow, questions came in about the elephant WAT duck in the version-control room: configuration management.

IT was amazing to have over 50 indian Drupal developers all in one room working on Drupal 8 Core issues at

You build Drupal websites. You know which modules to download and configure and how to make a pretty slick website. You might be able to use Views to build up complex queries to add some fizz to sites that you build.

Drupal 7's contrib module, Entity Reference, is a staple tool for Drupal Architects and Themers. It allows for powerful add-ons to nodes where you can reference other entities such as content types, vocabularies, users and more.

Drupal 7's contrib module, Entity Reference, is a staple tool for Drupal Architects and Themers. It allows for powerful add-ons to nodes where you can reference other entities such as content types, vocabularies, users and more.

Today I stumbled upon the need to do something I've never done before in Drupal. I needed a hook to run some custom code when a View was deleted.


Maintaining an API documentation can be very time consuming.

(On why Silex is the best way to get started with serious PHP)

(On why Silex is the best way to get started with serious PHP)
