Extending your rules knowledgeThis edition of our "Rules Extended" series looks at the contrib module views_rules and how it can make dealing with complex loops in rules easier, by leveraging your hard won views knowledge.
The web is big. Like really, really huge. With so many professionals working in the industry it seems every month a new technology seems to emerge and secure a spot on some top 10 lists.
GLADCamp, the Greater Los Angeles Drupal Camp, is coming up in a couple weeks and I'm helping organize a couple events that make up the conference program.
GLADCamp, the Greater Los Angeles Drupal Camp, is coming up in a couple weeks and I'm helping organize a couple events that make up the conference program.
In this tutorial we'll explore how to build a mobile application that can take a photograph and save it onto a website with the current latitude and longitude coordinates.
Because of the way the synchronization process works with the UF_Match table, deleting records can be tricky business. If done in the incorrect order, your CiviCRM database can end up with a bunch of Junk contact records. Below is a best practi
Formatting documents for viewing on the web is a tough business. The problem is, every browser handles documents in different ways. Let’s pretend you have a document, AwesomeDocument.pdf, that you want to embed into your site.