
1. What's your role at Mediacurrent, both internally and client-related?

I am a "Drupal Developer", which means I take care of the nuts and bolts of building and maintaining Drupal sites.

Good Web writing makes a site usable. Training content administrators on how to curate content for the Web is a critical component for making sites that people love.

Good Web writing makes a site usable. Training content administrators on how to curate content for the Web is a critical component for making sites that people love.

Good Web writing makes a site usable. Training content administrators on how to curate content for the Web is a critical component for making sites that people love.

Good Web writing makes a site usable. Training content administrators on how to curate content for the Web is a critical component for making sites that people love.

How to Write for the Web

Good Web writing makes a site usable. Training content administrators on how to curate content for the Web is a critical component for making sites that people love.

I often use the excellent Migrate suite of modules to import data into Drupal. It's great for getting any type of content into a Drupal node, file, taxonomy term, user, and more.

I often use the excellent Migrate suite of modules to import data into Drupal. It's great for getting any type of content into a Drupal node, file, taxonomy term, user, and more.

A few new JavaScript libraries have made their way into Drupal 8 core code, the same way jQuery once did. This blog post examines the reasoning behind each inclusion, and explains how they are intended to be used.

In this article we are going to look at a cool Webform api function that allows us to interfere with the submissions being saved to the database.
