
Thanks to Calvin Scharffs from our marketplace partner

Thanks to Calvin Scharffs from our marketplace partner

Thanks to Calvin Scharffs from our marketplace partner

As you know, DrupalCon is just a few short months away and this year we're proud to be hosting it in sunny Austin, Texas. It's session proposal time and this year we are helping to organize the Business & Strategy track.

A frequent bugbear with OS X on my MacBook Pro is that the screen will dim and then sleep if I leave it unattended for any length of time.

A frequent bugbear with OS X on my MacBook Pro is that the screen will dim and then sleep if I leave it unattended for any length of time.

Before the web was used to provide users data access and to automate customer service, there were IVRs.

If you're trying to make your Drupal site as fast as possible, you might consider using a static HTML file for page not found (404) errors.
