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Brightcove is a video hosting platform that integrates with your Drupal site through the Brightcove module.
In this article I am going to show you a quick trick that will allow you to assign taxonomy terms to a lot of nodes all at once.
More and more of my clients are using Pantheon to host their Drupal based web applications. This is not an ad, it's just a fact.
Tags: planet drupald
Tags: planet drupal
WYSIWYG (a.k.a HTML Editor) has become a De facto for quickly formatting and publishing contents from dynamic site like Drupal.
Simplenews, a newsletter module allows you to send customized confirmation emails on subscribe and unsubscribe actions.
The upcoming Drupal 8 includes many changes large and small that will improve the lives of site builders, site owners, and developers.
Replication is a wonderful thing for your clients.
There are a couple of scenarios we see on pretty much any Drupal-powered website we work on. The first and foremost among those is often that our client wants to, you know, actually be able to easily manage their content.