Our use case seemed pretty straightforward. When users register on the site they select terms from a taxonomy list based on a field in their profile2 profile.
Content strategy is on enough lips nowadays that most people can call out ideas to sketch out the general borders of this area of discipline. User focus! Clarity! Reusability! Curated content! But where exactly is the heart of content strategy?
Content strategy is on enough lips nowadays that most people can call out ideas to sketch out the general borders of this area of discipline. User focus! Clarity! Reusability! Curated content! But where exactly is the heart of content strategy?
Content strategy is on enough lips nowadays that most people can call out ideas to sketch out the general borders of this area of discipline. User focus! Clarity! Reusability! Curated content!
Content strategy is on enough lips nowadays that most people can call out ideas to sketch out the general borders of this area of discipline. User focus! Clarity! Reusability! Curated content!
Content strategy is on enough lips nowadays that most people can call out ideas to sketch out the general borders of this area of discipline. User focus! Clarity! Reusability! Curated content!
This module extends the existing user_restrictions module by providing a mechanism for the bulk import of prohibited words in the screen name during user registration.
Last year, I was one of the coorganizers of Frontend United In Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I have organized dozen of events, DrupalCons, DrupalJams, DrupalCamps totaling a dozen of events.