
This is a "how to" article which describes how to add the Facebook xmlns:fb attribute to the html element.

On March 12, 2013, Google announced the retirement of the Google Reader service on July 1, 2013.

Do you get a lot of comment spam? I do. Spam prevention services like Akismet and Mollum do a great job at stopping a lot of the spam.

You got Symfony in my Drupal 8!Geoffrey

*updated to include clarification about DI*

ThinkShout is very proud to announce that Brett Meyer has joined our team as our new Technical Project Manager!

A few days into my work with ThinkShout, I'm pleased to report that everything I always knew must be doable with Drupal isn't just possible, it's in process. I've seen things people wouldn't believe.

I recently wrote about setting up Jenkins. My next step was making it do something useful to help our team become more efficient.

If you're trying to trouble shoot problems on a Drupal site and need to get some information out of Drupal then using the command line can get you answers quick.
