
Completed Drupal site or project URL:

In this episode we continue learning more about the Drupal 7 Panels module and go over how to use the panels flexible layout builder to easily build complex layouts using the panels mod

Dynamically loading content, that is, serving different content for different purposes is one of the most difficult aspects of web design that I've encountered.

By default, a Drupal site allows undefined arguments on any system path instead of returning 404 Not Found (e.g.

By default, a Drupal site allows undefined arguments on any system path instead of returning 404 Not Found (e.g.

There is a very neat solution for integrating MP3 files with your Drupal 7 website. In this post I will explain how to make mp3 files directly streaming on your website without users having to download the file.

I am constantly re-working Drupal's tabs to look a little bit more like a pile of bricks, and I've finally decided to stop reinventing the wheel and to document the CSS that makes them display more sanely.

Relating nodes to each other in Drupal can be done more than one way.

You want to change the Group Manager of a group but when you go looking for the option 'Change Group Manager' your quest will be futile. There is no option within Organic Groups bearing such a description.

So you want Views to exclude some nodes from your view. Easy enough right? Just go to your view and  below filter click 'add' and select 'node id' and.... but wait a second! Now I can only filter just one node! How impractical...
