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If you haven't read Roger Lopez Ajax without Javascript take a 5 minutes break and do it. If you are not a developer and all this code makes you frightened then you are excused.

If I may quote myself:

In the previous post I've introduced DrutNet API with an already compiled example, today I will show some code examples.

In the past few month, since Drupalcon Paris, I was busy upgrading Organic groups (a.k.a OG) to Drupal7. I'd like to give a quick overview of what has been done, what needs to be done, and the changes that came with the upgrade.

DrutNet is a .NET API to create client applications that connects to a Drupal site, and allow file upload, node save/load, view get and more.

UPDATE: Since writing this post ninesixty theme has advanced. I am now using it as my base theme, and create a subtheme. I no longer use Zen.

Here's a quick overview of the Message module.

The following post will cover how to create dynamic landing pages. First lets define our mission:

When I decided I'll use CTools for the Message module, I knew it will save me some time. I mean, everybody knows the "let's re-use the same API" concept.

If you are not familiar with the concept of 960 grid system you should be. In one sentence, 960 is a CSS framework that divides a page to 12 or 16 columns with a total of 960 pixels.
