Articles from

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For a traditional Drupal site, we don’t need to handle
authentication, because Drupal has our back - a user submits the login form,
gets a cookie, and starts using the awesome site. But what about decoupled sites?

Creating a plain text email with Drupal is a simple task.

As OG8 is steadily being built, I have noticed a certain pattern - or a mindset - we’ve been following which I think is worth sharing.

Driesnote where GraphQL was featured. Picture from Josef Jerabek

Hi geeks! Did the post title get you excited? Great, because Organic Groups (OG) and Message stack are
getting closer to being Drupal 8 ready.

Drupal-8-manina is at its highest. Modules are being ported, blog posts are
being written, and new sites are being coded, so we in Gizra decided to join the

For years I have been hearing about DrupalCon from Brice and Amitai. Every six months they would send me a massive group photo and challenged me to locate them among the crazy mustaches, viking helmets, and identical t-shirts.

The wonderful Migrate module is used in every one of our projects, whether we have actual legacy
content, or “just” want to create dummy and XSS content.


Articles from

For a traditional Drupal site, we don’t need to handle
authentication, because Drupal has our back - a user submits the login form,
gets a cookie, and starts using the awesome site. But what about decoupled sites?

Creating a plain text email with Drupal is a simple task.

As OG8 is steadily being built, I have noticed a certain pattern - or a mindset - we’ve been following which I think is worth sharing.

Driesnote where GraphQL was featured. Picture from Josef Jerabek

Hi geeks! Did the post title get you excited? Great, because Organic Groups (OG) and Message stack are
getting closer to being Drupal 8 ready.

Drupal-8-manina is at its highest. Modules are being ported, blog posts are
being written, and new sites are being coded, so we in Gizra decided to join the

For years I have been hearing about DrupalCon from Brice and Amitai. Every six months they would send me a massive group photo and challenged me to locate them among the crazy mustaches, viking helmets, and identical t-shirts.

The wonderful Migrate module is used in every one of our projects, whether we have actual legacy
content, or “just” want to create dummy and XSS content.
