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Primary tabs

A common design element we see lately in a lot of sites is a banner rotator - image slideshow with some text and links on the side.

Edit: Use the Inline entity form module that was created after this post was published.

On my last blog post I talked about Message notify module, and mentioned we were using it to send digest emails.

Email notification is a convenient way to be updated about new content or comments. There are several modules in Drupal that already deal with this issue, and I would like to propose another solution, and highlight the advantages of using it.

Following my previous post, and after getting some great reaction from the community via IRC and in Drupalcamp Toulouse, I’d like to share both my though

  • Update 3: Treehouse Agency are sponsoring and providing developer help
  • Update 2: Dev version is out

Another Drupalcon is getting closer, and the sessions are open for votes.

Here's my presentation held in Drupalcamp Spain.

The sound quality in the first minute is poor, but it gets better...

Continue reading…

The user modal is an interesting module we’ve been working lately in gizra for, and I’d like to share our experience.


Articles from

A common design element we see lately in a lot of sites is a banner rotator - image slideshow with some text and links on the side.

Edit: Use the Inline entity form module that was created after this post was published.

On my last blog post I talked about Message notify module, and mentioned we were using it to send digest emails.

Email notification is a convenient way to be updated about new content or comments. There are several modules in Drupal that already deal with this issue, and I would like to propose another solution, and highlight the advantages of using it.

Following my previous post, and after getting some great reaction from the community via IRC and in Drupalcamp Toulouse, I’d like to share both my though

  • Update 3: Treehouse Agency are sponsoring and providing developer help
  • Update 2: Dev version is out

Another Drupalcon is getting closer, and the sessions are open for votes.

Here's my presentation held in Drupalcamp Spain.

The sound quality in the first minute is poor, but it gets better...

Continue reading…

The user modal is an interesting module we’ve been working lately in gizra for, and I’d like to share our experience.
