
Uwe Hermann has written a comprehensive article in the current issue of PHP Solutions, German edition Ausgabe 1 2006 (13).

There is a Drupal Meet-up at the new CivicSpace Labs offices in San Francisco this Thursday. The meeting is being convened to support communication amongst developers and the small businesses being built on the Drupal platform.

Folks, I'll be sending out information for people to begin signing up for the Drupal-specific sessions at the OSCMS, Vancouver Conference soon--January 5th to be exact.

After half a decade of being the lead of the best code any Content Management Framework has, Dries' personal site has been Drupalised

GUADEC is the main event of the GNOME community, celebrated once a year.

PHPArchitect is a printed magazine devoted to spreading information about PHP and related projects like MySQL, PHPMyAdmin and... Drupal!

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It is that time of the year again!

Big news folks- CivicSpace Labs has just helped a major new eCommerce company launch this week using on CivicSpace/Drupal, at
