
I recently made my first cron contrib module for Drupal, DB Maintenance. Since the DB Maintenance OPTIMIZE TABLE query locks the database tables it queries, I don't want just anyone to access cron.php anymore.

In closing the feature request to add Atom feed options for blogs in Drupal, I added an option to select how many entries to display in feeds, between 1 and 30 inclusive.

I had been wondering how sites sprinkle ads in irregular parts of their index page.

We're doing things a bit different this time around.

The Drupal meetup last night was a huge success.

Please help us better coordinate the DrupalCon portion of the conference by signing up for sessions! Read on for more details...

I got Drupal's browscap.module to work for the 4.7 release in issue #41053.

On the last of the 4-day New Year holiday, I got a bit productive and port K2 to Drupal. This work is based on Drupal 4.7 Beta2 codes and was tested only with that version.

An often raised question on is, "when will release x.y be done?".
