
I just recorded this video showing how to use the Menu Attributes module for Drupal 6. I'm still getting used to recording so please excuse flawed delivery :)

With a name like AHAH, one might expect positive experiences in one's dealings with it. But often a name like "AGAH!" would seem more appropriate (Asynchronous Groaning and Headbashing?). There's no doubt about it - AHAH in Drupal is hard.

The Field API is major new functionality in Drupal 7 to provide custom data types just like CCK did for previous versions of Drupal.

"RDFa in Drupal: Bringing Cheese to the Web of Data" is the title of our short paper which was recently accepted at the

I have found myself attempting to contribute to Drupal core more and more lately. So I wrote a shell script that gets me a fresh copy of head and applies a patch to it.

FileField and ImageField 3.0 have just been released and bring with them the ability to display an upload progress meter in the FileField widget while a file is being uploaded.

Finally upgraded this site from Drupal 5 to 6. There's nothing special in that, it all went very smoothly and I just changed the theme again.

Second video take on content type editing is embedded below: this time focusing more on workflow-oriented fields such as status and author.

Second video take on content type editing is embedded below: this time focusing more on workflow-oriented fields such as status and author.
