
In this post, I:

  • Announce a cool, new tool to help make Drupal 7 a current reality for your existing sites.

  • Make a call to the Drupal community for assistance to utilize this tool.

These days, one of the more popular ways to display content is through a tabbed interface. It allows a user to add more content to their web page, but simultaneously organize it to o

These days, one of the more popular ways to display content is through a tabbed interface. It allows a user to add more content to their web page, but simultaneously organize it to o

These days, one of the more popular ways to display content is through a tabbed interface. It allows a user to add more content to their web page, but simultaneously organize it to o

I've been hard at work over the last week trying to get support for the WYSIWYG module into the Drag'n'Drop Uploads module, and have done exactly that.

I have just finished reading Matt Butcher’s latest book, Drupal 6 JavaScript and jQuery, published by Packt Publishing - ISBN 978-1-847196-16-3. It is a good read. It is one of those books that arrived at the right time and left me inspired.

This Friday and Saturday (27 – 28 Nov) DrupalCamp Vienna was happening at the Vienna Tech University.  Over 200 Drupalists from Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech, Hungary, USA, Canada, Ireland, Bulgaria,

After two years of working from home, I've decided it's time to make a move back into an office and look for some contract-based or perhaps permanent work in London.
